Here we bring you brief general information about our library. More detailed information on the history of the library, branches and their lending hours and more you will get in the next pages.
Year of establishment: |
1877 |
Address of the Library: |
Nádražní okruh 27
746 78 Opava
telefon: 553 821 700
tel.,fax: 553 711 206
e-mail: okpb@opava.cz
Directress: |
Mgr. Zuzana Bornová |
Basic statistic data: |
207 142 library units
staff of 42 people
15 104 readers
- bibliographic-informative
- lending services inter-libraries
- organisation of exhibitions
- video and music lending (Department of Music and Video Department)
- sale of sci-fi literature
- sale of discarded books and magazines
- access to Internet for public
- town library
- central library
Since 1999 fully computerised, including all town branches. Book funds of other branches have being processed.
- Main building (department for adult readers, department for children and youth, reading room, department of buying and proceeding of book funds) – fully computerised since November 1995.
- In 1996 the book funds were displayed on Internet: http://www.okpb.cz/clavius/baze.htm
- Branch Opava Kateřinky (department for adult readers, children, music department) – fully automatic since 1996
- Video department: Nádražní okruh 27, 746 78 Opava - fully computerised since April 1998
- Branch Opava Kylešovice computerised since April 1999
- Branch Opava Olomoucká computerised since May 1999
- V roce 2002 byly plně automatizovány pobočky Opava Komárov, Suché Lazce, Malé Hoštice, Vávrovice a Milostovice
- personalities of the region
- personalities of science, culture, arts and politics
- magazine articles
- time-tables
- law regulations
- authorities
Since January 1997 the library has been established by the Town Opava. There are 5 branches in the area of the town and in villages connected with Opava work five local libraries.